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The future of Mobile devices

Smart phones are the current most commonly used devices on the planet. Most people use them as an extension of themselves, from things...


A rising technology in both the creation of 3d assets is photogrammetry. Photogrammetry is the process through which multiple photos of...

Walking in Virtual Reality: Count

Recently as part of CGT 511 I had the chance to produce a followup study on virtual crowds, this time evaluating the effect that...

Walking in Virtual Reality

During the summer I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Mousas on a pilot study about how some of the variable factors of virtual crowds...

Final Project Idea Update 

For my idea I really enjoy the thought of helping people to understand what living with schizophrenia is like. I think including showing...

Final Project / iEEEVR Idea

So for my project I want to do some kind of collaborative bomb diffusion game where 2 or more people need to complete tasks on huge bomb...

CGT 516 - Topic 1

The concept I am going to talk about today is the idea that immersive therapies can be utilized in a cost-effective manner with the...

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