Smart phones are the current most commonly used devices on the planet. Most people use them as an extension of themselves, from things like contacting other, organizing their lives, and passing time. Even though it is hard to imagine the smart phone will not exist forever. Like the jukebox and VHS players before it, it is not the final form of what our common technology will take. One might think that wearable are the future and to an extent I believe that is correct though watches are likely not the end product. I think the most likely case for wearables are head mounted AR devices that are functionally identical to glasses. One major issues that the current iteration of these are both the size of components to create realistic rendering and the size of the screen on which they are rendered on. This may eventually be solved by increases in technology but another option is to completely remove all computation and stream the renders to the devices. This will require a strong connection to the device which is still inconsistent.
The future of Mobile devices
Michael Nelson